I had to assemble a magazine mock-up.
I got to use the ever-important mounting skills to mount about eight logos. These were for a logo proposal for a client.
I met an finally met intern from "upstairs". Here's the story
Paula was out for the day, along with two other designers, attending an HTML seminar. So, Ben was my boss for the day. While in his office getting instructions, Anna buzzed his office. The conversation went something like this:
Anna: Ben, can I ask you a stupid question?
Ben: Sure.
Anna: How do you burn a CD on a Mac?
I volunteered to go show her how, since it's one of the few things that I'm confident doing without worrying about messing anything up.
I proceeded to show Ana how to duplicate CDs using the nifty CD duplication machine, instead of the computer. However, I also showed her how to open the disc tray on the Mac. There eject button is on the keyboard instead of the tower like it is on other computers. Anyway, she graciously left David and me with the task of duplicated a bunch of CDs for containing files for the Naval Aviation Museum. What fun that was. I did get to chat it up with, David though. Eventually I realized that the bore a striking resemblance to Jude Law. Yeah. It was his purty mouth and dimpled chin. But what does that have to do with graphic design. Well, it was aesthetcially pleasing. But David turned out to be quite the gossip, telling me all the dirt on the people upstairs, how they were so uptight and unfriendly, and how he liked the people downstairs so much better because artists and so much more laid back. Well, I couldn't argue with that observation. :p
So, the CD burning went alright, but the last disk that needed to be burned was a DVD, so I had to used the computer to do it. However, it took 30 minutes just to rip it, and another 45 to burn it. Not to mention that there was a deadline on when it had to be done. That wasn't my problem, however, because I didn't know that til the last minute. David left early, and I stayed a little late so I could make sure the disk got finished burning without any problems. I delivered all the disks to Ana at the front desk and then left for the day.