Wednesday, February 08, 2006


A valuable skill, it seems. I spent most of Tuesday sorting job jackets (folders that contain all the files from certain client jobs), to be filed in the basement. First, I had to go through a list of current clients and see if there were separators for them, and also make ones for the clients that didn't have one.

After that, I was supposed to put the separators into the file cabinets, and then file away all the job jackets of the current clients. However, there were not job jackets for 2006. All the ones available were from last year. I made Paula aware of this, so she suggested that I just go ahead and alphabetize the job jackets from 2005, so that they would be ready to be archived in the basement. What an arduous task that turned out to be. . . But I got a lot done:

This image is curtesy of my camera phone, because my little sis took my digital camera out of my purse and didn't put it back before I left in the morning, so I didn't have it with me.

I did the filing last though. Earlier, Paula informed me that my CD label design had been approved. I just had to tweak it a bit. I guess I could slip that into my portfolio, though it's not that spectacular. I also still have the task of designing a cover for the New Employeee Training Manual. I guess I need to research the subject, because I have no idea where to start.

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